Molenberg makes space for nature

The 'Molenberg' site is known in Rekem as a former colony for weakened children, who could enjoy the pure air to regain strength.
In 2007, the Flemish government bought the domain as an enclave in the Hoge Kempen National Park. The site is surrounded by valuable and vulnerable nature reserves with European protection.
In the years that followed, various parties were actively approached for a possible interpretation of public utility, such as ecotourism, contemplation or nature research. No party turned out to be a candidate due to the restrictions because of the location and the high renovation costs. In 2019, Natuur en Bos of the Flemish Government proceeded to demolish the buildings to make room for more nature.
The CKG Molenberg (Centre for Childcare and Family Support) has found a new location in Bilzen.

Molenberg makes place for nature

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